
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

True cost of modern medicine

Now I have often said that I thought America's kids were being treated for the "latest" craze in the medical world ... Case in point, when my oldest daughter was about 2 she had bronchitis -I knew that was what it was but had to take her I for the prescript ... Our regular dr was out for the day so we got the pediatrician (I hate specialists for kids when the aren't needed) ... She tried to tell me that my child had asthma - she DIDNOT and to this day does not ... But the dr had just been to a seminar, she said so, where they talked about the under diagnosis of childhood asthma.

So it seemed that she was now seeing it in every child.

Well here we go with the numbers of meds pres ribbed to kids in the USA by ranking:

Asthma 45,388,000
ADHD 24,367,000
Antidepressants 8,614,000
Antipsychotics 8,548,000
Sleep aids 307,000

They even have seen a rise in the number of kids taking blood pressure meds.

about 1/4 of America's kids are now taking medications on a regular basis ...

You also have to remember that ADHD is one the only medical conditions out there that can be diagnosed by someone who has absolutely no medical training! Most people do not realize that if your child's teacher thinks your kids has ADHD they just have to. Fill out the form and the dr's will fill out the prescript ... Most won't even do a followup exam because they figure the teacher is more likely to have seen the symptoms.

The other condition I've seen. Where this is true is autism ... I saw children get labelled autistic" simply because they did not follow a series of instructions, wouldn't loo& someone in the eye, or march to the beat of their own drum.

It is almost as if American's have come to desire a label for their child.

Dr's are worried about the number of antibiotics they prescribe - I think they should worry more about the amount of permanent medications they are pouring into our youths blood streams.


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