
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Strategy of Segmenting the Market

For creating target market or segmenting the market, we can use following strategy :

1st Strategy

Undifferential Marketing or Mass Strategy

In this strategy, company does not make small segment of market and target the whole market in one offer. All marketing mix policy will be same for all parts of market.

2nd Strategy

Differentiated Segmented Marketing

In this strategy, company divides his products, services according to need of different consumers. Company's all market policy will be different for all market segmentation.

For example:

Company of refrigerator enters in differentiative marketing technique and divide his product on basis of income of consumers.

Ist Product - 165 liters. with two door advance refrigerator for rich consumers.

2nd Product - 165 liters. with one door simple for middle consumer.

3rd Strategy

Concentrated Marketing

This strategy is used when company has limited resources and wants high profit from specific segment of market, at that time company makes market policies for specific segment.


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