
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 4: IDM at Oracle Open World

Hope you enjoyed the Black Eyed Peas last night. We have an action packed IDM session on Thursday to finish up the show. Here is a quick run down of the sessions. Etienne and I will be introducing Verizon as we talk about how Replication and Fractional Replication are critical features in a high performance Directory Server deployment.

· Follow us on Twitter @OracleIDM. Use hash tags #oow10idm

Time Title Location
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Middleware s317487 End-t-End Secure Identity Propagation Moscone South Rm 310

Middleware, Applications s316524 Oracle Idenity Management for
Oracle JD Edwards EntrpriseOne

Moscone South Rm 309
10:30 am – 11:30 am Middleware s316991 Database User Management wit Oracle Directry
Services and Actve Directry
Moscone South Rm 310

Middleware s316837 Deploy a Highly Performant Entitlements Solution
wit Oracle Entitlements Server
Moscone South Rm 309

Middleware s317270 Service-Oriented Security: Simplifing Identity
Management for Applications
Moscone West L3, Rm
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Middleware s316829 Demystfing IdM: A Custmer’s Guide to a
Practical IdM Deployment Strategy
Moscone South, Rm 309
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Middleware S315086 Replication Best Approaches on Directory Server -
Fractional Replication
Moscone South Rm 309

Middleware S316829 Demystifing IdM: A Customer’s Guide t a
Practical IdM Deployment Stategy

3:00pm – 4:00pm
Middleware s314871 Oracle Identity Manager and Oracle BPEL Tools
for Digital Identity Management

3:00pm – 4:00pm
Middleware s314871 Oracle Identity Manager and Oracle BPEL Tools
for Digital Identity Management
Moscone Sout Rm 309
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Middleware/Oracle Develop S317543 Service Orientd Security 101 Hotel Nikko Mendocino I / II


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