
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Transparency or Why We Want You to Be Rich

Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor

Author: Daniel Goleman

Praise for Transparency

"After watching so many American presidents derailed by a culture of secrecy—Richard Nixon and George W. Bush are only the most recent—one might imagine that transparency would become the watchword of leaders everywhere. Alas, it has not: witness Enron and subprime mortgages. Here in these pages, with arguments that are enormously compelling, Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman, and James O'Toole urge leaders of every stripe to create 'a culture of candor' around them.?Please give this book to'anyone heading toward the front office, especially if it is oval."
—David Gergen, professor and director of the Center for Public Leadership, Harvard University; former White House advisor; author of Eyewitness to Power

"Transparency vividly describes the powerful imperative for open and honest communication in a boundless world transformed by information technology and its impact on corporations and politics. With many practical examples, the authors underscore the importance of the leadership values of integrity, candor, courage, and responsibility as fundamental to sustainable success in an increasingly complex environment."
—Daniel Vasella, M.D., chairman and CEO, Novartis AG, Basel, Switzerland

"In this vital new book, Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman, and Jim O'Toole have teamed up to address the vital question of our times, whether organizations have the courage to be open, honest, and most of all, transparent. They give deep insights into why transparency is essential to long-term business success. It is a mustread for anyone who wants to build an authentic organization."
—Bill George, formerCEO, Medtronic; professor, Harvard Business School; author of True North and Authentic Leadership

Go to: Food or Eating as I Go

Why We Want You to Be Rich: Two Men - One Message

Author: Donald Trump

The world is facing many challenges and one of them is financial. The entitlement mentality is epidemic, creating people who expect their countries, employers, or families to take care of them. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki, both successful businessmen, are natural teachers and have joined forces to address these challenges. They believe you cannot solve money problems with money. You can only solve money problems with financial education. Trump and Kiyosaki want to teach you to be rich.

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."

They each could have written a book on the subject, but they chose instead to write a book together because of their shared passion for education and their desire to bring emphasis to the importance of financial education. In addition they have designated a portion of the profits from each book to be donated to charitable and educational organizations that also support financial education.

Why We Want YOU To Be Rich, Two Men — One Message was written for you.

Publishers Weekly

The wildly financially successful authors of this book state, early on, that a reader will not find in its pages specific advice on how to make or invest money. It's more a book of philosophy (note the "why" in the title), and if it's not exactly Kierkegaardian in scope or language, this collaboration of real estate magnate and rags-to-riches financial guru manages to entertain and to inform. Written in bite-size chunks and adorned with quotes (some from the authors' previous works or speeches) and graphs, it explains why some people get rich and others... well, don't. Some tales are shopworn: the many references to Warren Buffett are tales well told, for example, but what works best are the aphorisms and the personality type descriptions within the "CASHFLOW Quadrant" no matter what you do for a living, in your heart are you an E, an S, a B or an I? (Key: E=employee; B=big business owner; S=self-employed, specialist or small business owner; I=investor.) But Trump and Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) together are a strangely winning combination (they've published this book jointly and privately and a portion of its profits will be donated to charity). Bottom line: these Messrs. Money-bags know their business. We're talking billionaires here, and really, how can you argue with success? (Oct.) Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.

Table of Contents:
Authors' Notes
Introduction     1
Why Donald Trump And Robert Kiyosaki Wrote This Book     15
Millionaire Meets Billionaire     17
Our Shared Concerns     35
The Shrinking Middle Class     45
How To Make Yourself Rich     59
Why We Want You To Be Rich     71
Three Kinds Of Investors     85
Investing To Win     87
Choosing Your Battle - And Battlefield     95
There Is A Difference Between Savers And Investors     105
The Two Things You Invest     117
Winners Take Control     131
Right-Brain And Left-Brain Creativity     139
Think Big - Think Expansion     147
Getting Very Rich Is Predictable ... Not Risky     155
Defining Moments: Going Beyond Winning And Losing     163
What Did You Learn From Your Father?     167
What Did You Learn From Your Mother?     175
What Did You Learn From School?     181
How Did Military School Help Define My Life?     187
What Was The Defining Lesson You Learned From Sports?     197
What Did You Learn From Business?     211
What Are Your Philosophies Concerning God, Religion, And Money?     217
If YouWere In My Shoes, What Would You Do?     227
I Am Still In School, What Should I Do?     229
I Am An Adult Without Much Money, What Should I Do?     247
I Am A Baby Boomer Without Much Money, What Should I Do?     259
What If I Am Already Rich, What Advice Do You Have For Me?     271
Why Do Some People Who Want To Be Rich ... Fail To Become Rich?     279
Just Get Started     289
Why Do You Invest In Real Estate?     291
Why Do You Recommend Network Marketing?     305
Why Do You Recommend Starting Your Own Business?     313
Leaders Are Teachers     323
Conclusion     331


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