
Friday, January 21, 2011


Ok - so the President got a 7% approval jump since December????

What for?

Because he made a speech?  Because the Republicans are being stupid enough to totally chuck the health care bill? (don't get me wrong, its a bad law but there are some very good things in it ... like pre-existing conditions and preventing coverage being dropped in the middle of treatment)

This is still the same man who went golfing during national 'crisis' moments like the oil spill and the Christmas underwear bomber ....

This is still the same man who has done much to help with unemployment ....

This is still the same man who is signing legislature that will be picking the pockets of every American ...

This is the same man who has gone to the Government of China pawn shop to hock our nation's 'family jewels' ....

This is the same man who said 'your welcome' to a crowd clapping for him during a speech instead of 'thank you' for inviting him to speak ....

This is the same man who flew to Europe to attend a summit on Global Warming/Climate Change (don't let the irony of that be lost on you) and then said it was 'unproductive' ...

This is the same man who has appointed an unprecidented number of czars ...

This is the same man who ....
well - there are so many accounts its unbelievable...
just check back in the archives and see.

I have a real feeling that the 'bump' he got is more from the way they worded the question or the way they lumped together the responses.

I guess Obama is my version of so many other people's Bush ...

I just don't see why people think he is so good ... but then ... most of the issues I have are actually with Congress than it is with the President.


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