
Friday, August 21, 2009

Free Trade Zones

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What is a free trade zone?

Free trade zones, describe an arrangement where different trading entities, usually member countries, agree to cut or scrap taxes in order to lower business costs and remove bureaucracy. They are also known as "special economic zones" and are mostly found in developing economies. The aim is to give a massive artificial boost to trade, especially between raw material producers and manufacturing based economies. These zones are also attractive to foreign investors as it's cheaper for them to do business there.

Read more about 'Free trade zones in Africa' in this BBC Article. Click here

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Securing SOA Suite 11g with OES

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This is a topic that spans both SOA and Access Management (OES).

Again, the steps in the post are not officially supported.

Now that I've got the WLS SM running inside of the domain, I'm working on configuring a Java callout inside of a BPEL process to OES. Better get my DOM API guide handy ;)

More soon.